
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Irish Mash

Ok, so I'm a bit on this one, but it looked like such an interesting way to do mashed potatoes that I didn't want to miss it, and the stew was so filling last week we didn't need any sides so this was missed off the list. I also had all the ingredients and didn't want them going to waste. Besides, who says you can't have Irish fare on every other day of the year!

I did modify this slightly though, as some of my cabbage wasn't in the greatest shape so I decided to skip the separate cabbage stages and just make the topping, but stir it all for good measure. I thought it was a nice change to plain mashed potatoes; Wil wasn't a fan of the cabbage or the pinenuts.  I'll link to Katie's recipe though in case you want to go for the real thing, and while you're at it you can check out some of her gorgeous photography cos while my food my taste similar, there ain't no way it's gonna look as good!

2 large potatoes
1/2 cup cream
salt & freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp wasabi
4 spring onions, sliced finely,
1/4 (ish) small head cabbage, chopped finely
1/3 cup pinenuts
1 tsp sesame seeds
a good slab of butter

Bring the potatoes to the boil, and simmer until cooked. Drain and return to the heat, whisking in the cream until well absorbed. You can add milk here throughout the cooking process to keep it nice and creamy. Season well and add in the wasabi, leaving over a low heat to keep warm.

Meawhile melt the butter over medium heat and add the cabbage, pine nuts, spring onions and sesame seeds and cook 5-10 minutes until everything is well toasted, but still crunchy. Stir into the mashed potatoes, adding extra cream or milk where required. Serve with your favourite Irish Stew or something completely different like some Chipotle Lime Pork like we did!

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