
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cuban Inspired Braised Beef with Oranges

The post where I found this recipe was written by a mother who had been suckered into helping her son with a school project at the last minute. Now I was not often one of those last minute kids, but I did sucker my parents into helping from time to time. Any time I needed something crafty dad was drawn into helping, and for most things needing printing and compiling mum was my best helper. This lasted right through university when my lovely mother would sit at the table over a hot chocolate or a cup of tea discussing the portrayal of homosexuals in Cuban film or the historical importance of the Cuban revolution in Latin American history without any idea what was going on, but doing her best to help.  She was also called in on one occasion to prepare an Hispanic dish for Spanish class. That year I was assigned Peru rather than Cuba and I learned many things in my research assignment.  I learned that the signature dish of Peru is roast suckling guinea pig, but mum wasn't too keen on being investigated by the SPCA so that was off the menu and we made a custard flan instead, a kind of Peruvian Creme Catalan.

So when I read this post by Lynda I could totally relate and all at once had to try this dish. I must say it smelled awesome while it was cooking, but it was very tricky to get the oranges into the dish and away from my mouth - they were just so delicious!  This was one of our running night meals so I wanted it to cook whilst we were out and just need a little pulling together (or apart as it were) once we were home.  In order to achieve this I altered the method. Thankfully having decided to make this several days prior I was able to get the marinade going the night before, and then got up a little early to sear my meat and cook off a little of the marinade for extra flavour. I then threw it all in the slow cooker and set it to low for the day. Then my very able husband spent some quality time basting it mid afternoon just to make sure it was nice and moist.

I have to admit I was a little disappointed. It was super orangey for sure and nice and tender, but it just lacked something and I had to add a few extras at serving time to make it to my liking. The beans, rice and guacamole we served it with were pretty kick ass though. To be honest I don't think I'd make this again and I don't have any suggestions on how it might be improved. We'll put this one down to learning and move on to the next one!

3 pounds beef chuck, cut in 3 inch chunks
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 small onion, grated with juices
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 teaspoons ground cumin
Juice and zest of one orange

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup dry white wine
Juice of 2 oranges
Soft tortillas, warmed
Garnishes:  salsa, sliced avocado, sliced jalapeno peppers, black beans, chopped fresh cilantro, lime wedges

Cut beef chuck in 3 inch pieces. Salt and pepper on all sides. Place in a bowl or container. Add garlic, onion, olive oil, cumin, orange juice and zest. Turn the beef to coat with marinade ingredients. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours or preferably overnight.

Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a deep skillet or pot. Add beef in batches in one layer without overcrowding. Brown on all sides. Transfer to a plate and repeat with remaining beef. Pour wine into the pan to deglaze. Return beef. Add orange juice. Cover and simmer, occasionally basting with juices, until beef is very tender and easily falls apart, about 3 hours.

Transfer beef to a plate. Boil pan juices over medium-high heat until reduced and thickened, about 20 minutes. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Shred beef and return to pot; keep warm.

To serve, spoon some of the beef over a warmed tortilla. Top with optional garnishes, such as salsa, fresh avocado, jalapeno peppers, black beans, cilantro and freshly squeezed lime juice.

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