
Friday, October 29, 2010

Spinach and Cheddar Muffins

These muffins came about by chance. The other day, after making Mumrez Khan's Lamb and Spinach Karachi Curry I had some leftover spinach and no idea how to use it. I'm not one for waste so I spooned it into a small tupperware container, threw it in the fridge and pretty much forgot about it.  A little later that evening friend Jonny called and asked if I would like a ride to work the next morning as he was heading in my direction.  This meant that I had a good ten minutes or so extra time that I would not have had had I been catching the bus as usual.  I used my ten minutes wisely and caught up on a couple of blogs, among these was foodbeam, and right on the front page, in her newest post, Fanny had written about Spinach and Cheddar muffins!

Right away I knew what I could do with my spinach and a plan started to form. Unfortunately I had no eggs and that just wouldn't do. I was rambling about this, as I do, while plodding away at my work this morning when Sarah got up to head down to the supermarket to grab something quick for lunch. She politely asked if there was anything I needed and without thinking "eggs!" came right out of my mouth. I quickly dismissed the idea saying that I could pick them up on my way home, but when I returned from lunch I found a carton of eggs on my desk.

So this evening, after yoga and a quick dinner I set about making the below muffins.  I knew that they wouldn't be to Wil's liking, and I didn't have all that much spinach leftover from the curry so I made a half batch and spooned the mix into a medium sized muffin pan. Now all I have to do is wait, and for lunch tomorrow I'll have a tasty spinach and cheddar muffin waiting for me. And maybe I'll bring one for Sarah too!

30g butter
one small onion, finely sliced
one fat clove of garlic
one chili pepper, finely chopped
350g plain flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
a good grind of black pepper
200g cheddar, grated
250g milk
one egg
130g spinach

Preheat the oven to 170°C. In a pan, melt the butter over medium heat and cook the sliced onion until soft. At the end, grate the garlic and throw the chili into the pan and give a good stir to combine the flavours.

In a bowl stir the flour, baking powder, pepper and cheddar. In another bowl, whisk the milk and egg together, then pour onto the flour mixture using a wooden spoon to fold. Once combined add in the onions and spinach.

Divide into twelve muffin-cases and bake for 35 minutes. Remove the muffins from the tin and allow to cool on a rack.

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