
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Keeping it Simple

Sometimes you don't want any of the fancy stuff. Sometimes you just want good, fresh food that fills the hole in your belly. Sometimes you just want to keep it simple. And what could be simpler than steak, salad and potatoes?

Jonny was housesitting for some friends and so we decided to pick up some stuff to share for dinner and watch the hockey game (and that's all you'll hear about that). Thrify's had a good deal on some tasty looking steak and Jonny had some home made dressing sitting in the fridge and away we went.  A little salt, a little pepper, a little olive oil and before we could get the beer out of the fridge we had bbq'ed steak, baked potatoes with sour cream and spring onions, bbqed mushrooms and a tasty green salad. Ahhhh.

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