
Monday, October 25, 2010

Broad Street Kitchen

Today was coffee catch up with Michelle day, but she and Erica were feeling a little worse for wear and so some sustenance was required.  Since it's been a while since pay day no one was really up for spending a packet and so we tucked into the Broad Street Kitchen which looked warm and inviting on a rainy Sunday.

Some of their sandwiches did look appealing but I wasn't hungry so stuck with a mocha.  The girls both ordered sandwiches, two of the better looking ones in the pastry case - there were some severely disturbing looking chili dogs in the case that I wouldn't touch if you paid me! I'm not really sure what the girls thought of their meals - they disappeared fast enough but I didn't hear any words of praise apart from Michelle's affirmation that she was feeling more human with something in her tum and a coffee in hand.

The coffee is Salt Spring Island coffee and it was tasty enough, well at least not offensive.  They go for the mismatched mug thing which I think is kinda cute, but maybe not when the spillage down the side makes the mugs look like they've been pulled right out of the back of the dishwasher for lack of something else as a vehicle for caffeine. The coffee isn't the cheapest nor the tastiest so I doubt I'll be back but the warmth was definitely appreciated on this dreary day.

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