Hello down there! That wasn't meant to be condescending; it's what the happy sunshine says to Strawberry Shortcake in her Houswarming Surprise movie. That was my favourite movie growing up. It's been so long since I've visited these parts and I'm sorry, I do miss you, I've just been busy. Berry, berry busy (another Strawberry Shortcake reference). It's seems every day there's a list a mile long of things to do, people to see, things to cook and things to eat. It's been a bit nuts and that's been a bit overwhelming. Less nuts, more sprinkles I say!
My theory is that when life gets crazy you need to simplify a little, go back to your roots. And nowhere could be more 'back to my roots' than Ollie's Burgers and Icecream on the Royal Oak roundabout. This classic, pared-back diner has been a mainstay in Royal Oak since well before my time and is the stuff of childhood memories of almost every central Auckland raised child. I couldn't believe it had been so long.
It was the perfect spot for a very mellow pudding posse the 5th: casual, far from busy, close to home and no complicated choices for some very tired brains that to be honest, just couldn't deal with unnecessary complexities right now. We ordered icecream. Three ways. As a simple, single-scoop sundae, alongside a piece of dense and yet fluffy chocolate fudge cake, and three almost neon-coloured varieties side-by-side as part of a GIANT banana split. We skipped the table's dish this round; quite frankly I think there was enough icecream on the table already!
First up was the mochaccino icecream with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. There was more coffee than chocolate, but on this occasion this was not a bad thing. The chocolate fudge cake was rich and delicious, dense yet somehow fluffy and perfect with the cookies n cream icecream , even if the guy behind the counter was convinced that vanilla was the perfect accompaniment. The lastest and mostest was Amy's GIANT banana split with three scoops, nuts, cherries and fudge topping. The Jamaican lime was crazy green and delicious, zesty and very manufactured. It was the last scoop that dissolved into a puddle by the end of the evening. The coco-mallow was sweet and light, tropical and fragrant, and tasted reminiscent of how those delicious coconuttty sunscreens smell. Weird. Good.
But the best of the evening was the Raspberry Lemonade fizz, and that's the one I'm going back for. Sure I'll be swayed by maple walnut, by pineapple chocolate, or by a classic Hokey Pokey, but that Raspberry Lemonade is the shizz and you should go get it. Now. Even if it's cold and rainy out, cos that's what we did.
Ollie's is at 820 Manukau Road, on the Royal Oak roundabout. They also do burgers, shakes, hotdogs and some (so I hear) pretty damn good toasted sammies. Relive your childhood, go there today! Now I need to go read this.
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