
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Fall Firkin Fest at Spinnakers

This weekend was the Fall Firkin Fest at Spinnakers and after Jonny's crazy run in the snow at Bear Mountain the three of us were keen to taste us some beers. I have to say, even right from the start, I was a little disappointed. When we purchased our tickets the event was billed as over 20 casks from around the Pacific Northwest. On day we tasted from 15 casks from around British Columbia and although I'm all for local beers and breweries, I had heard good things about some out of Washington and Oregon and I was a little sad that they weren't on offer today. 

Moving right along we started with a beer that none of us would go back for - Big Ridge Brewing's Rum-spiced porter. Well I don't know what kinda rum or spices they used in this but it tasted like medicine to us; it's like Buckley's "tastes awful but it works".  Next up was the Gingerbread Man Beer from Big River Brewpub: spicy and tasty but a little weak, not the full slap-in-the-face flavour we were hoping for. Still, it remained one of the favourites of the day. 

The boys then moved onto the Cascadian Ale from Central City Brewing and this was another favourite; strongly hoppy, crisp and a little sweet.  Then it was onto Crannog Ales' applejacked which was kind of like the apple flavoured Jolly Rancher but on the sour side. That might sound like an odd way to describe it, but this was another of our favourite drops.

Jonny and Wil then enjoyed a couple of the darker beers: the Gathering Storm from Howe Sound Inn & Brewing and the Bunker -A Double Robust Porter from Lighthouse Brewing. Neither of these were to my liking, but they were bold and robust, both nice Winter drinks. 

Part way into the afternoon our tummies started to rumble and so we needed to hit up the menu: pulled-pork nachos and wings were the order of the day.  They hit the spot like we knew they would - we'd ordered them last time we were here with Solange in August.  Then it was onto the next rounds.

The Cornucopia Golden Ale (R & B Brewing), made from chanterelle mushrooms was something I had to try - it didn't taste like mushrooms but was earthy and woody and not too bad. I'd drink it again at any rate, but maybe it'd be better in warmer weather.

The Smoked Marzen from Russell Brewing Co won the most drinkable beer award by us, with all of us deeming it an 'all-night' beer. It's beechwood smoked malt gave it a nice smokey aftertaste that was just that hint of interesting without being all too different, unlike the Bear Arse Barleywine from Whistler Brewpub - none of us would go there again, in fact after seeing Wil's face after his first sip the rest of us didn't! Luckily the easy drinking Salt Spring Estate-Hopped Golden Ale was on offer and we were back into it.

I managed to try the Spinnakers Kolsch with cranberries which was served with their 'geisha' truffle, white chocolate and Silk Road Green Matcha tea. The truffle was delicious and the beer pretty good, an interesting match for sure but I don't think the boys were too heartbroken to have missed out.  Then we had to try the pumpkin beer from Steamworks Brewing Co. since we are all fans of the Swan's pumpkin beer and this was a good'un: it was spicier, thicker and more pumpkin pie-y, I swear I could even taste the pie crust!

We finished up with the Vancouver Island Doppelweizen which was a free drop by the fire so that the bartender behind the keg could run off to the bar to join in the drinking of a yardie. The beer was ok, but I preferred the secret bitter hiding in the back room, and after that it was onto the taps and I have to admit, I'm really not sure where we went from there.

All in all it was a good afternoon but I was a little disappointed that none of the beers really jumped out and grabbed me. I also found the organisation a little lacking - I think some provided snacks would have been a nice touch, and maybe a few extra seats here and there as 5.5hours drinking can be sore on the toes! Having said that, if next year we get a few of the promised beers from South of the border I'll definitely be back.

1 comment:

  1. We're glad you liked our CDA! It's a cask only creation for now, but the response we have gotten has been positive so hopefully Gary will consider doing a full batch at some point.


    Red Racer / Central City
