I don't remember when I discovered bubble tea, but chances are it was Caz who introduced me to it. It's a syrupy sugary mess of deliciousness that often scares people with its tapioca pearls but I love it. So I was super excited when Kim introduced me to The Bubble Tea Bar - her and Caz's favourite spot.
Naturally when Caz was back in town we had to bubble tea, especially as Wil isn't a fan so I don't end up there all that often. If you've never bubble tea-d then I highly suggest you give it a try!
Photos thanks to Caz. This should have been posted on July7th 2010, but since the photos only surfaced this week I'll make this like one of travel stories, only this time I wasn't the one doing the traveling.
I haven't been very good about getting my photos up recently.. :)
Better late than never?!?!