Tapa Bento
You can save for months, read all the brochures, make all the reservations and trawl through reviews on trip advisor, but sometimes the best moments while traveling are those that are completely unplanned and take you by surprise.
Caz and I thought we had it all planned out. I mean, not that we are meticulous planners, but when it comes to visiting a new city we check out the places we might want to eat or drink, we make lists, we compare notes and we add everything to Google Maps just in case. So on this particular night, we had our pre-dinner drink, our post-dinner drink and our dinner all lined up. We'd been talking about it since dinner the night before. It was going to be great.
Caz and I thought we had it all planned out. I mean, not that we are meticulous planners, but when it comes to visiting a new city we check out the places we might want to eat or drink, we make lists, we compare notes and we add everything to Google Maps just in case. So on this particular night, we had our pre-dinner drink, our post-dinner drink and our dinner all lined up. We'd been talking about it since dinner the night before. It was going to be great.